Wednesday 20 June 2012

3-8. EXP3 Final Submission

Final Submission


Real Time Image Captures

The Cityscape Environment
Concept: Urban Domination 
The Cityscape is inspired by my hometown Shenyang in China, the huge skyscrapers and towering buildings represents what I remember of my birthplace.
I decided to situate my headquarters very high atop skyscrapers to take advantage of the sight, their high position is also a reference to their dominating influences within their respective industry.
The dining table is placed on the highest point of the map as a show of the chairman's absolute authoritative power.

Facebook Headquarters
Concept: Knowledge is Power 
The Facebook headquarters is designed after the organization of social networks, the sense of unity and connection is evident in the facebook bridge and head office. The spherical objects at the head office represents accumulation of information and knowledge, the 'Server bridge' that connects the head office to the elevator is shaped to resemble computer circuitry.

Facebook Interior

Take-Two Headquarters
 Concept: Accumulation of sub-entities 
Where as Facebook is one giant corporation that dominates the social media. Take-Two interactive is known for owning many sub divisions in the gaming industry. It's power comes from extending its influence to these smaller controlled companies. The Take-two bridge is a step by step pathway rather than a conventional bridge, this references the step by step method of accumulation Take-two has utilized to continuously grow ever more powerful in the gaming industry.
The 'Hangar Bridge' of Take Two is a mockup design of a helicopter pad and hangar, it gives a video game feel to the general building.

Take-Two Interior

Dining Table & Elevators

Facebook Elevator

Take-Two Elevator

Dining Table (Before Assembly)

3-7. Peer Reviews

Sunday 17 June 2012

3-6. Developed Cityscape (Final Valley)

generate the cityscape using 3rd party programcalled cityengine specifically designed for cityscape generation

Then export into 3ds max as a scene, altering the outlines to minimize the geometry

Imported from 3ds to sketchup as a 3ds file, this is also where I apply textures

End results in cryengine from sketchup